By Renee Warner
I prostrate towards Makkah for the third time today
Taking the loneliness away
purifying me once again
keeping me from sin.
I ache to be closer to Him
Closer than I have ever been
I long to feel complete
Then tears and Earth meet.
I thank You for Your gift.
Through these thoughts I sift.
And regain focus on You.
I know my faith is true.
Accept my Prayers O Lord.
Forgive me O Lord.
Guide me O Lord.
Help me O Lord.
Now I ask in my supplication
help the state of this nation.
Let them see You as we Muslims do
the reason for living is only You.
Help those who cannot see
that believing in You
is their only hope
to cope
It’s a sad state of affairs here on Earth today.
You see it so i don’t have to say.
Help us through this life
And strife.
In this Prayer I ask You
“Please keep me with You.”
In reality, its all I ask of You.