
Sabeen Khawaja

I sat down to pray
I hope I didn’t betray

Tears going down my face
Hoping its not too late

I ask for Allah’s forgiveness
For getting myself into a mess

Only you can clean my soul
I haven’t been a good role

Desperate for your sympathy
Weak I know I am, want some dignity

Wanted to be your loved one
Don’t know if enough I had done

Hanging from a tree like a branch
Am I fruitful? Only you know if I am

Waiting to be in your shade
When bad ones will be in blaze

Bless my heart with strength
That I need for a length

When my time is up
That I know must

Don’t want to be disappointed
On my actions that you lighted

Rising like a star that day
Shining bright don’t know if I may

This is my prayer night and day
I hope I didn’t betray.